Leadership Recall interview

State your name for the record

Gary Debes

What was your first interaction in ASHRAE?

-the first thing I did was join ashrae and become the newsletter editor for the Philadelphia.  “They were still chiseling in slate at the time.” I paraphrase but, ‘a long time ago.’

                Why did you keep coming back?

                “I’m a glutton for punishment. It’s the basis of the job that we do”

                When did you become a life member?

                “I don’t remember” The interviewer says “well it was that long ago huh???” “I’d probably remember if I’d been active.I haven’t been active in ashrae, for … 3/4s of a year, it just slipped away. I want to get back to it, it’s the life blood of the industry we’re in. I’ve had other health issues. It happens when you get old, you’ll find out”

                When would you say you became an ASHRAE rockstar?

                “I am not a rockstar dude (chuckles)”

What positions have you held locally, regionally, and nationally?

“Everyone that is there within the region” “President of Philadelphia chapter, regional vice chair.” LV ASHRAE chapter president, as well as RP chair  “Every office that was open in ASHRAE on local and regional level and some Society level, I took that job.”

Which one was your number one favorite?

RVC – Membership Promotion – “I got to interact with people in the region…that I didn’t have that opportunity to interact with in the past, more personally”

Was anything particularly difficult?

“I can’t put my finger on anything that was difficult…I enjoyed…it was a labor of love, which I wouldn’t have quit.” “I felt like I was doing something that would benefit region and society”

Was anything particularly rewarding?

“Anything individually, no, the entire experience, yes.  Meeting people outside of my chapter, and region, that I’d never met before…and interacting with them and sharing experiences. I found the whole thing very rewarding”

Is there anyone you particularly enjoyed working with?

Dan Pettaway

Rennison (Rennie) Tisdale

And Others, mind you, going up through the chairs. I still interact with both of them on a regular basis.

What was the most fun day or week you’ve had? Anything come to mind?

The conferences in general where enjoyable and very rewarding. We did all kinds of international conferences that took me up in to Canada and I wouldn’t be able to remember the actual conference or location.

What was the least fun thing you’ve done for service? (9/11 CRC, and so on).

I don’t know if I could target a ‘least fun’..um…all the traveling I did as regional vice chair, that was pure joy. I got to interact with chapters in all of north America mind you, that I would never have without that opportunity.

Any interesting stories? Like weird? Different? And so on? Most ‘off the wall?’

No, really not.

Any regrets with your service?

Time away from the family, the family didn’t much appreciate ashrae like I did  Interviewer: ‘do you want me to not print this.’  ‘….its a…something that needs to be considered if you are thinking about going up in an officer position in society…but your family doesn’t have the same passion that you do for ASHRAE.’ ‘If you are going to do that position, you have to realize there are roadblocks.’


LV Chapter Historian DEI